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Loyalty and Lifetime Value Suite

Permission-based Marketing System

Content Management and Publication System

    Content Creation

    Vendor Page Creation

    Content Management

    Publication Management

    Email Content/Publication Promotions

    Content and Publication Reporting

Multi-Media Call Centre

Interactive Purchase and Payment System

Content Management and Publication System (CMPS)

Email Content/Publication Promotions

In addition to the power of Content Management. CMPS also has the ability to email content or publications to a target audience. This audience can be all, or a subset of the membership base. This subset can be based on Demographic details, Permission Based Profiling (see PBMS) and Customer Behaviour. For example you could send a specific publication out to all the female members aged between 15 and 24, or to all members who have purchased a certain product, or to all who have expressed an interest in a certain product. If the email is to be a publication, the product categories can link to their counterparts in the appropriate web publication. This click through can be recorded and the data made available in one of the standard content reports.